surprises and unexpected skills

On Sunday Salome threw Claire a Becoming-a-big-sister party at Aquatic Park. It was great; the weather was glorious, all her friends were there and there were presents and bagels and coffee and cake. Claire burst into tears a couple of times from sheer overstimulation, but hey! It was her party, and she could cry if she wanted to.

It was a proper party with an A story and a B story. First Heather and Carole had a stand-off: “Wait, I know you.” “Carole?” “HEATHER?” They’d both been activists with Seeds of Peace back in the day, and in fact, they’d shared a house. This is just ridiculous, because Heather met Jack at Burning Man, and Jack met Salome through pit bull rescue, and Salome met me through the Bay Area Equestrian Network, and I met Carole when I went to Osento for my first post-partum massage after Claire and she said “How old is your baby?” and it turned out our kids were almost exactly the same age. So really, what are the chances that Heather and Carole would know each other, outside a poorly-plotted sitcom or excessively economical play?

Also, Heather showed me the scar from her gills.

The B story was that Jack locked his keys in the car, and had to go and get a wire coat-hanger so that he and Jeremy could break in; which they did with great relish and to general applause. Inside every hacker lurks a ne’er-do-well.

In other news, Claire drew the sun.

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