pixaardman blows my nerd circuits

Because Jamey is TEH AWESOME, she got us in to see the new Wallace and Gromit film at PIXAR.

You have to understand that Pixar is like Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory to people like us. Toy Story was the first film Jeremy and I saw together – so long ago in fact that I was still with Phil, and brought him along. It’s the only time Phil and Jeremy ever met. (Phil’s comment: “He’s very short.”) Aardman is also very close to my heart, because Trea Smallacombe – a personal friend of Nick Park – showed me The Wrong Trousers long before its commercial release, when I was staying at her place in Manchester trying to get a job writing for Coronation Street (ask me about my thwarted career choices some time), and I was WOWED. So I was raving about Wallace and Gromit before you ever heard of them! So nyerny!

Anyway, Pixar: apple orchards, huge atrium in gorgeous I-beam and brick, gleaming Cafe Luxo, comfortable modernist nooks everywhere to drink your free soft drinks and eat your free breakfast cereal, original Incredibles and Nemo art all over the walls, irresistible twentysomething boy and girl geniuses playing foosball, cheekbones like polished steel. I’m so on-to-the-next-phase-of-my-life these days I’m not sure whether I wanted to shag them or adopt them.

I’m a professional corporate campus curmudgeon, but this corporate campus succeeded in making me question all the career choices that took me away from computer animation, sigh. As for example: when the lights go down in the cinema, the ceiling is turns into an accurate starfield, complete with crickets chirping and meteors. Or, when we left the campus (reluctantly) and walked under the beautifully-lit Pixar logo suspended over the gate, and it totally felt like we were characters in a Pixar film.

And Were-Rabbit? It rocked. Ever since, Claire has been saying, unprompted: “I like movies.” She’s curled up on Jeremy’s lap right now watching Fellowship of the Ring. We’re very excited; she shows every sign of growing up to be a nerd. Such joy.

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