bridge grogan, PI

A perfect Sunday. Waking up at Kat and Ian’s country estate. Sitting in the sunshine, drinking coffee, reading the New York Times and petting Bunny the cat. Brunch in Burlingame with Bryan, Shannon and Cian the Giant Baby. After brunch, Bryan’s friend Nat regaled us with poo stories.

“My son William comes bouncing out of the toilet saying ‘Daddy, Daddy, come and see what I made!’ And I thought, ‘This’ll be good.’ So we go in and he says, ‘Look, I made a bridge poo!’ Sure enough, there’s a turd that starts on one side of the bowl, arches over the water and lands on the other side.

“So I’m thinking, Share the joy, and I say to William, ‘Let’s call Granddad at work!’ It’s 9:30am and my father gets called out of a meeting to talk to his grandson, who still has a sound grasp of New Zealand slang. And William says ‘Granddad, I made a bridge grogan!'”

I asked Nat if I could have Bridge Grogan as a character name for my Nanowrimo novel, and he kindly agreed.

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