tweeter’s digest

Claire: “I am emptying my Carnavale balloons.” Jeremy: “You are Deflater-mouse.”


Claire: “But the TV is our God!


Ruairi appears with the pony puppet, all tangled in its strings. “I knitting!” he cries. “I knitting a HORSE!”


Small robots marched around my coffee table, and were given tangerine food cubes.


“Lost In The Fog” at the Roxie: boy meets horse, boy loses horse.


Julia: “It’s raining mucher! It’s raining even much!”


Rach betters TV: The News Hour With Tom Lehrer


Claire to Julia, in bath: “The water snakes are not, I repeat, NOT, your friends.”


For all its downsides, a plutonium mug would keep my coffee hot.


Julia: “WHOO! I’m fallin’! Oof! I falled.”


According to my records this is the second Thursday this week.

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