the greatest american holiday

It’s been a very difficult year, not so much for me as for many people I love. Nevertheless there’s plenty of things big and small to be thankful for:

Julia’s first steps; Claire teaching herself to read; Jeremy’s Constellation and Self-Healing Sound Field; the girls’ brand new second cousin Kate; Leonard and Sumana, Kate and Asa, Ian and Katherine getting married; Adrian and Sam having Tabitha; Yoz and Bob having Dexter and moving to San Francisco; Danny, Quinn, Gilbert, Ada, Shannon, Bryan, Cian, Ruairi, Jack, Salome, Milo, Shannon Lee and Peter the Rocket Scientist all moving to San Francisco; Garfield, Olga and Madeleine coming to visit; Jo getting British citizenship and Grant getting his UK visa; Mark P. getting his Australian visa; Mark B. buying a house; me getting my labor cert; Jeremy’s new job.

And more generally: meds that save lives; the Democrats taking the House and Senate (may they deserve it and act wisely); gay marriage and plenty of it; three of my imaginary friends in the Infertiliblogosphere finally having children (Cecily and Tori, Wavery and Huck, Karen and Maya); food (special mentions to Range, Blue Plate, Chez Spencer and Incanto); hot water; the Long Now; the de Young; San Francisco Parents for Public Schools; San Francisco Public Library; Media Night at School of the Arts; Oz Farm.

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