you can tell a lot about a person from their dragons

Claire’s latest crush is on Django.

“My dragon’s name is Zeaman,” she revealed.

Actually, she has three dragons: “Alfie, Matilda and Zeaman.”

Lest you think this is greedy, cousin Kelly has four dragons: “Ronin, Kinnon, Lunnon and Channon.”

There’s more.

“Cousin Ross’s dragon’s name is Hizzon Kiss Husband Orange-juice Hizzon.

“Unky Al’s dragon’s name is Hizzal Yummy Hug Bear Hizzal.

“Aunty Sarah’s dragon’s name is Hizzair Kiss Ouch Honey Cham.

“Uncle Max’s dragon’s name is Hizzax Baa Da Far La Na La Na Na Na. Wait! That’s too many names!”

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