
I just walked around Angel Island and boy are my feet tired. Boom-tish!

Django and the Fitzchalmers were stranded there when our ferry pulled up at the pontoon. Luckily the Gopalan-Walshes and their friends Kevin and Harry had been similarly cast away. We set out on foot, alarmed by the colorful natives and their drum circles.

I don’t know who thought it would be a good idea to hike five-and-a-half miles in a little over two hours. We ended up sprinting down to the ferry. Also, Fisherman’s Wharf should be razed. We had a soothing late-lunch at Herbivore instead.

We’re planning to do seven summits with Django. Here are our achievements to date:

Mt Diablo – peak not scaled: 0
Angel Island / Mt Livermore – peak not scaled: 0
Summits to date: 0

We are undaunted, however. Future plans include:

Twin Peaks – peaks: 2
Dias Ridge – peaks: 10

…bringing us to twelve. So we’ll do some valleys – Noe, Silicon – canyons – Wildcat, Glen – and a gulch – Green. With a peak count of -1 per, this should even things out.

Other highlights of Mem-day weekend: in the Arts and Crafts exhibition at the De Young, an escritoire made by Lady Anne Blunt for her sister-in-law Mary; dim sum and Washington Square Park with Carole, Jamey and Rowan; Salome got a new text-capable phone, so we have been writing haiku to each other; and Carnavale with strawberry daiquiris and Fogo na Roupa providing the most kick-ass Brazilian drum parade imaginable.


“I can’t help it Claire! THE DRUMS!”

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