new stroller smell

After a play at Aquatic Park in Berkeley yesterday – Jamey was going to meet us, but went to Aquatic Park in San Francisco by mistake – I succumbed to the siren song of Rockridge Kids, my favourite store for Claire-n-Jules stuff in spite of the fact that it’s RILLY RILLY EXPENSIVE. They carry all my favourite brands, Britax and Zutano and New Native and Maclaren, this last one being the point, because I really needed to replace the ancient Kolkraft double stroller now on its fourth family.

I love my marigold Volo with a foolish passion, so I didn’t even look at the (far cheaper) Peg or Graco twin strollers. (In my defense, I didn’t look at the much spendier Bugaboo or Stokke Xplory either.) While I was examining the Maclaren Rally Twin, Claire found the matching doll stroller, both blue-ringed like octopi. I wasn’t sure about the design until Jeremy said he liked it; then, because I am impressionable, I liked it too.

Turns out the doll and twin strollers were both the last of that design, so we bought the floor models for ten percent off! Yay! So this morning Claire loaded one doll into the stroller and another into her doll sling and said “Two babies! Like mummy!”

Julia was surprised!

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