to do list

Why I’ve been a bit distracted this week:

  • grid confcall
  • Bowst. for TDM
  • Spotlight on perf man
  • Claire to pediatrician at 1pm
  • notice tiny ding in Hedwig, have enormous freak-out about it, have lunch, calm down, remember Hedy is insured, file claim, call trusted mechanic
  • Reflec.
  • Dijkstra deadline
  • Applim.
  • deposit checks for Oz
  • mail John
  • mail RachH
  • thank you notes
  • check, fax and mail Man-Bell
  • Chris H
  • dinner with Julian, Afshin, Bryan and Robert
  • call Peter
  • Active R.
  • grid questionnaire
  • grid topology
  • Rainbow cereal apricots peaches

The amazing part? Pretty much all done, yay me (and my extraordinary support team).

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